I can't believe that there is only 3 days left of Sale a Bration? Did you get all the FREE products that you were interested in? If not you still have time..but not too much time!!! You only have till Friday to earn those FREE products!!
The sun has been shining here the last few days and it's got be thinking of Ice Cream!! I know you that you can eat it all year but for me..I love it more in the summer time when the sun is shining and it's hot!!!
Did you know that you can earn the Tasty Treat Specialty Designer Series for FREE during Sale a Bration. Yes, it was one of those items that Stampin' Up! added last week for it's final week of sales!!!
Unfortunately, the Seaside and Sparkle Textured Impressions Embossing Folders are no longer available! But not to worry there is still lots of great product that you can pick out for FREE.
Ready to Shop and place an Order? Click here to shop my ONLINE store 24/7
Rewards: Did you know that you can earn FREE stamp sets from me, click here to learn how.
Join my Community of Stampers: Do you love to shop? Do you have a long Shopping List filled with Stampin' Up products that you must have? Then I have a deal for you!!! Head over here to read how you can join my family and earn 2 FREE stamp sets of your choice before March 31.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your day!!
So what is your favourite ice cream? I have to say "mine is Moose Tracks!!"
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